Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Watching ourselves in the night sky

Sometimes at night
I like to lay out on the cool summer grass
Or an outcropping with just
The right fold for my body
And see how far I can stare
Into the translucent aether
Filtering my view
Into the celestial canopy

Water vapor and dust
Ancestral flames
Strings and waves of vibrating
Frequencies bending nicely
To the hands of this expanding
Imagination of consciousness
And reality we all draw
With our actions, dollars
And dreams

And I’ve never been able to see
To the end
It’s stretching out
Though we move closer
Which confuses this wide eyed
Country boy

We are bending timescales
I’m watching the revolution
Spinning around fixed point
I can feel myself moving at speed
If I calm my mind.
This rate of change is unruly

Sometimes at night
I like to lay out on the cool summer grass
Or an outcropping with just
The right fold for my body
And see how far I can stare
And remember the dreams
Of a child who yearns to return
The inertia of progression of thought
Acclimating from the asinine
Into dirt and the sanguine.


Nature-Drunk said...

It will take a while to get through your posts of poetry past, but I am looking forward to reading each gift. I like how you wrapped this one back and connected it to the first verse with "sometimes at night"...it gives closure to your thoughts.

On a different note, is there any way you can add name/url to your commenting options. That would make commenting a little easier from my end. I don't use my Google account often, so I forget the login info... I promise not to leave too many comments. Thanks.

Adam said...

please comment away, it is touching to know these words aren't just floating out in the digital jungle without being seen as it sometimes feels. I will see if I can change the comment options, I don't know if I can but I'll look into it. =)