It’s a nice warm start to autumn this year. The earth is balanced, the day and night are of equal length. The time of Libra. We in the northern hemisphere begin our tilt away from the great hydrogen ball. Yet the sun is still shining strong and the nights are cooling off.
But things don’t seem very balanced all in all, especially the books. And now in the midst of our market glitch we, the US, are considering a $700 billion bailout. Now we are seeing the FBI is talking about mortgage fraud with these money piddling covetous fools. Some say we could erase our oil deficit with that bailout amount instead. Who knows.
And zoos are having green polar bear problems, DC has homeless polar bears, and the Artic has auroras of cannibalistic polar bears as things begin to become ‘slim pickins’ for sure. All the while Mrs. Palin just got called out again for another lie, this time in her attempt to get polar bears taken off of their threatened status saying their numbers are increasing. For this bold statement she won the Rubber Dodo Award in her vain effort to protect the oil industry. The tempest fails again, let us pray she does not get a chance to rise.
Maybe scientists should’ve made a word that didn’t sound so fancy, because albedo just sounds too fancy for normal people to recognize and pay attention to and too much like libido to sidetrack short attention spans, but we'll get to that.
What’s your albedo? Frankly, that’s none of your business!
Well the Artic’s albedo is high, and it is dissipating with the melting ice causing heat to absorb and not reflect, and the polar bear will be one of the first to pave the way in the newest and coolest trend, extinction, and now we’ve all heard it enough to where it effects us about as much as a couple more deaths in a war.
This tolerance to critical information is slightly foreboding and not my idea of population control. Not to be askew or amiss, for we all knew it somewhere in our minds, research finally tells us the proximity of cell phones in pockets to men’s reservoirs of reproductive genetic material reduces sperm quality. Imagine that. Next thing you know they’ll be injecting stuff in meat that will lower our structural integrity. Oh, they already do that. (If you want meat go hunt or go to a farmers market!) At least our waterways are clear and clean. Ha, they blow up mountains covering headwaters while streams closer to urban life team with pharmaceuticals and birth control pills that synergistically mix into a stew that who knows what it will do.
Our footprint is changing from a tap dance to a mosh pit with the tenacity of a swarm of drunken wall street bankers at a first come first serve backdoor deal.
Who cares about these things, they are a part of life, a necessary evil right? Kind of like tipping and Rosie O’Donnell. Yikes. No, it is time to wake up and as Zach used to say, "It's time to Take the power back."
What are these bailouts all about? Giving some corporations another shot at not being able to handle their books right that lost gambling with some risky shady unmentionables that leave their ravenous quarterly reports foaming at the mouth because their little charts didn’t continue to rocket like they used to in the good ole days, before the world got flat again. Mortgages and housing markets and all this economic filigree of insanity and abstinence and apathy of a rigid market that needs to bend. You better diversify yourself girlfriend. Crazy days.
The world doesn’t seem so crazy in the woods, that’s for sure. Only when I return to the internet and civilization I see so much crazed ridiculousness oozing out of the news and our world. What does it all mean? Is there a method to this madness, a crack in the sundial, an escape route to a better tomorrow awaiting somewhere off in the distance, hopefully around the next bend. Or is it like that spring right around the next bend the thirsty through hiker hears about yet never quite finds.
We got ourselves into a heck of a jam, a long row to hoe, a real humdinger of a flimflammer. And now we get yet another canary in the coalmine as the State of the World's Birds just released their newest study stating biodiversity is dropping in another installment of what is becoming overwhelming documentation that we are negatively altering all levels of this planet and we need to reassess the situation.
With the rise of colony collapse as well we now have a whole new can of worms to open up when we look our young children in the eyes and tell them about ‘the birds and the bees.’ “Well Jimmy, your little Elmo doll came a looong way, all the way from China, that place we borrow money from, but your doll used a lot of oil to get here and coal to power the sweatshop factory, as with the cartoon show we have you watching here learning about McDonalds through product integration and Teletubbie tolerance so your mother and I can have a minute to decompress from our slightly stressful and unfulfilling jobs two hours away. And all that oil and coal and cell phone signals and radio towers is confusing the bees and poisoning ecosystems killing off the pretty birds like the ones in that book you love so much. Yes the one with Charlie the cardinal. Well Jimmy, they’re disappearing, with a bunch of other animals. I’m sorry son, but this is why you need to know about the birds and the bees, because they make babies, and uh, mommy and I made you too the same way, but you can’t, because…well, there’s just too many durn people. We just can’t take anymore. So no sexing for you ok?! Maybe this cell phone will help, keep it on at all times, you just never know…Ok…”
Little Jimmy will never be the same. Nor will anyone. It’s a strange time to be alive, young or old, but especially for the young ones being thrown into an ultra speed dog eat dog culture of instant gratification where multitasking texting and typing while trading stocks is the new milking the cow and the old bald coke riddled used car salesman fad has given way to the metro sexual aderol addled ipod listening constant facebook updater look. But we’ve got machines milking cows now and mediocrity for conversation. Little Jimmy should be worried. Little Jimmy should invest in wind and solar. The times they are a changing. And as an old baseball catcher once said, ‘the future ain’t what it used to be.’
But it can still be what we make it. And as always, tomorrow is only a dream away.
Power to the people. It's time to get this peaceful revolution underway in a very serious way. Things are too crazy not to.
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