somewhere lost in the midst of a little child
the water rushes by
rushing by before pulling back as toes slowly sink, covered by the itching grains of tumbling sands caught in the middle
what is real
and what are dreams other than these inside burnings and yearnings manifested like moths for heat to the fire
what is it about the edge that pulls us closer
repels us further from the nonsense
the white noise
pulling us ever so snugly by the tips of our thoughts and antennae into the unknown and
that hazy cough of distant possibility
i am stuck in between
the sun is setting upon the end of the wilderness generation
and rising upon a new millennium
the circus of electronic essence and mechanical mimicry
of global dimming, global warming
a new set of deadly sinning while concrete wolves are suavely swarming
an unfamiliar ecotone where the niche is paved for greed
yet hope eases into the scene overlooked by many
not taken seriously by most
awaiting, the chance to rise
but my feet are stuck now and the tide is rising
the pull is stronger and efficient profit is downsizing
while my neighbors lose their jobs their kids play with plastic toys made in a land so far away
their minds etch and mold the paths for little toy cars like some twisted voodoo as we all drive more
and more
and more
inevitably, for fate or boredom, into that head on collision crash
the overlap between these dreams and reality dance almost smoothly and precariously too close on the razor of denial and acceptance.

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