Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A goobye to the carefree summer

These sweet summer days
slowly grow and surely glow
as the leaves and blades of grass
in their world so far below

a soft caressing breeze
songs of the aviators
serenity whispers nearby
we are a peaceful people
cognizant and appreciative
of the gift surrounding us
sustaining us
embedded upon us
Living the dream
this stream of consciousness
is flowing, the lifeblood
the river
we drink it but do we see it?
we need it but do we bleed it?

Sit amongst the leaves and blades of grass
amongst the trees
listen to their stories

these sweet summer days
paradise wrapped in a dream
wonderment surrounds us
and we abidingly smile in awe.

1 comment:

Katharine said...

I love this poem. Very Thoreau