Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Break Time

My first season at Konnarock is halfway over. Its hard to believe but its been a blast and time is flying by. We get a two week midseason break which is sweet. I’ve seen so many beautiful sights and places and worked with so many sincere, genuine people, it really has been an honor to be involved with the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, an organization I became instantly smitten with upon digging in.

Hoping to get out on the water soon. But here are a few random pictures of recently.

A small baby bear seen in Roan Mountain. We hightailed it out since momma had to be close by.

First turtle sighting on the trail. Lots of species use the trail. Thousands of species traverse the great green swath that is our Appalachian Trail. Some as their home and some as a migratory route.

Morning light warming the trail.

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