There’s something about a river
The vast perpetual flowing
Roaring rushing rapids of aeration and friction
Weathering limestone into smooth bubbly seats
Hypnotic beats float by with our cares
I’m lost in the sounds
Lost in the current
the pathos of pull
Washing away the trite and dirt
Reborn in the sweet waters
My love is a river
forever flowing without end
Stretching towards infinity
how it swoops and how it bends
I listen to the river
and hear the wisdom of time etched into an ever changing world
Different with every blink
We never stand or stare at the same river twice
Pulsing and rising the blood of the mountains
pumps life into us all
I listen to the river
and hear the answers
The language of dripping drops and dragonfly
The river of life
How it flows
How it knows.