I got to know rock this week. Rock is an interesting medium, so hard, so solid, so unforgiving. It stands strong, seemingly unmovable, until one picks at it from the right angle, dislodging that inert energy, turning the potential into the kinetic, the still into the movement. And with that push, with that breaking of the stillness, one can lose control in less than a second. From stationary to chaotic, from calm to forceful.
It is one thing to move, it is another to control. To harness that power, to control it, to make it beneficial for your purpose. It takes patience, wisdom, and skill, of which I have little, but they are all growing. Growing strong and solid, just as the rock.
We shape the rock, chipping away at the unnecessary and the jagged, removing the unwanted and molding it into a new form, a new purpose, a new existence.

The danger of this power is when to stop, for one extra chip can crack the entire foundation, losing all progress at the swipe of the hand. So easily one can get greedy, take risks, and push it too far. One simple pluck, one too many, and all is lost, leaving one having to restart from scratch, if, if you can find another subject suitable for the needs you require.
This fragility, this knowing when to stop, of walking the line, it is a good reminder to us of how to take caution in even our daily actions, for they too can cross the threshhold of sanity, rationality, and usefulness with one extra or modest step or move. It is that uncertainty, that question, of knowing when to quit, when to continue, that makes great men and women and makes crumbled lives lost by the lust for more. The insatible uncertainty we seemingly always want to challenge and push. The insatiable wanting for greener pastures and better moments. How do we tell ourselves this is it, this is great, this is enough?
How do we walk the knife edge with grace and the radiance of rarity. The difference between a masterpiece and another overcrowded picture lays in the hands of knowing when to stop. Between a great story and babbling. Genius and insanity. Beauty and fakeness. The sweet balance of self control continues to be a trying force testing even our best intentions and desires.
The difference between dreams and ghosts, longing and lust. The difference between thoughtless beauty and the silence in between. Listen to them both, for they both speak of wisdom, and they both speak of the hidden desires burning within you and me.
Who will stay warm and who will be burnt by these drifting dilemmas. To fathom the bridge between transcendence and transparency requires the perception of a kindred soul, covered in the raindrops of intuition. Wet yourself with chance and walk into the light, condensate with the clouds, shine with the sun, and flow with the stream of consciousness, and you will know the answer, for you are the answer, waiting, waiting to be unlocked, etched to perfection, and put into place for a better use, a better life, a bright new existence.
Sighing in the breeze is the spark of subtle possibility awaiting within us all, that small speck of light begging to turn into a blaring blaze, longing to change from the what if of potential to the undeniable force of what is, only awaiting oneself to recognize and become cogniscent of what has always been there.
Awaken the slumbering comet within, become the vapor trail that has yet to be, the tree that is the seed, the answer that is in need, for truth is indeed beauty and beauty is recognized and acknowledged chances.